Joey Fernandez

Joey was born in Manila on Oct. 20, 1965. Shortly after he was born, his family moved to Baguio where he completed his studies and graduated with a degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering. He worked in an IT division of a commercial bank and enjoyed the comforts and success that came with the job.

He surrendered his life to Christ after hearing the gospel preached in a church that was established right after the 1990 earthquake hit Baguio. His growth in Christ was gradual (slow even), but he had a desire for it to be patterned after Colossians 2:6-7: “Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude”.

GLCC played a significant role in his life. Here, he was married to Marita, a busy, small business owner with a heart for prayer. They are blessed with 3 children: Kate, Tintin, and Bea. Here in GLCC, he saw himself and his family grow in Christ. In 2016, he retired from his job and decided to help Marita run the family business.

Despite the busy schedules and challenges brought about by the growing enterprise, the couple is involved in the different ministries and activities of the church, serving with a heart of gladness and gratitude. It is from this heart that Joey sits as a member of the Board of Elders since 2019.