Publication Ministry


By God’s enabling grace: to provide avenues for the expression and promotion of Biblical truths through print media such as the church newsletter, “The Light”, yearly calendars, “Spotlight”, etc;
To use print media to: inform and update the church of its various milestones and other activities; spread the Gospel and reach the lost; encourage the community of believers, deepen their knowledge, strengthen their devotion, affirm their submission to God and His Word, and bring about a Godly testimony;
To promote and cultivate God-given skills in writing, editing, photography, illustration, and lay-outing among ministry and church members;
To partner with other ministries in activities for the fulfillment of God’s kingdom work;
To carry out projects that will support church endeavors.


For God’s glory and divine purposes, we desire to see a ministry composed of dedicated members using their God-given literary and graphic art skills to convey God’s truth and holiness through print and digital/electronic media.
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